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William Delbert Gann



William Delbert Gann - Wikipedia




William Delbert Gann (commonly known as WD Gann) (June 6, 1878 – June 18, 1955) was a financial trader who developed technical analysis methods, including the Gann angles and the Master Charts, which collectively refer to tools such as the Spiral Chart (also called the Square of Nine), the Hexagon Chart, and the Circle of 360.

Gann's market forecasting methods were based on geometry, astronomy, astrology, time cycles, and ancient mathematics.

Opinions on the value and relevance of his work are strongly divided. Gann authored numerous books and courses on trading stocks and commodities.



Gann was born on June 6, 1878, in Lufkin, Texas. His father was a cotton farmer. He started trading in 1902 when he was 24.

Gann was considered a devout student of the Bible, which he regarded as the greatest book ever written. He was a 33rd degree Freemason of the Scottish Rite Order, which some attribute to his knowledge of ancient mathematics.

Additionally, he studied ancient Greek and Egyptian cultures.


Also https://www.GannGrids.com/about/



Writing style

Gann often wrote in an esoteric and indirect style that many found difficult to follow, leading some to believe he did so deliberately to conceal his true methods.

For instance, Patrick Mikula found that, in his course How to Make Profits Trading in Commodities, when Gann used the term "natural dates," he was referring indirectly to one of the following astrological phenomena:

・Double ingresses (when two or more planets, excluding the Moon, enter a new sign within two consecutive days)

・Stations (when a planet changes direction, either turning retrograde or direct)

・Declination of the Moon at extreme



In his private communications, Gann was much more direct and candid about his use of astrology. For instance, in a private letter to a student, he openly demonstrated how he used planetary cycles to predict the coffee market.



Gann's students claimed he left a fortune of $50 million (equivalent to $569 million in 2023) built by following his methods, but evidence of such a fortune is lacking.

Alexander Elder, in his book Trading for a Living, said, "I interviewed W.D. Gann's son, an analyst for a Boston bank.

He told me that his famous father could not support the family by trading but earned his living by writing and selling instructional courses.

When W.D. Gann died in the 1950s, his estate, including his house, was valued at slightly over $100,000." Larry Williams, in the book The Right Stock at the Right Time, also stated he met W.D.

Gann's son. Larry Williams stated that John Gann asked, "If his dad was as good as everyone said, why was the son still smiling and dialing, calling up customers to trade?" In the same book, Larry Williams also mentioned meeting F.B.

Thatcher, who had been Gann's promoter and advance man.

Thatcher claimed that Gann was just a good promoter, not necessarily a good stock trader.



 1.  一度のトレードで資金の1/10以上損失が出るようなリスクは取らない。

 2.  常にストップロス注文を使う。(毎回置く)

 3.  取引を重複させない。(もし2つ以上の取引をオープンしていたら、最初の取引のルールに違反すべきではない。)

 4.  利益を損失にしない。(含み益が出たら、ストップロス注文等でそれが含み損に陥らない状態にする。)

 5.  トレンドが分からない時は取引しない。トレンドに逆らった取引はしない。

 6.  迷ったら出る。迷ったら入らない。

 7.  活発な市場でのみ取引する。

 8.  違う市場間でリスクを均等に分散する。

 9.  指値注文はせず、成り行き注文で取引する。(ここは?です(*◡̈))

10. 正当な理由がないのに手仕舞わない。

11.  取引で儲けた余剰利益は別の口座に置く。

12. 利益の薄い(scalp)取引はしない。

13.  損失を平均化しない。(ナンピンはしない)

14.  忍耐無く市場から抜け出したり、待つのが不安だからといって市場に入ったりしない。

15.  小さな利益と大きな損失を避ける。

16.  ストップロス注文を置いたらキャンセルしない。

17.  市場に頻繁に出入りすることは避ける。

18.  相場の両サイド(ロング、ショート)からお金を稼ぐことに意欲的であること。

19.  価格が低いとか高いからと言って買ったり売ったりしない。(値頃感で取引しない)

20.  間違ったタイミングでのピラミッディングに注意する。ピラミッディングはレジスタンスを超えるか、サポートゾーンが壊された時のみ成されるべき。

21.  ピラミッディングは適切なタイミングでは非常に有益な場合がある。買いの時に上昇トレンドが強く、売りの時に明確な下落トレンドがある商品を選択する。

22.  負けポジションをヘッジしない。ある商品をロングしていてそれが下がり始めたら、ヘッジするために他の商品をショートしてはいけない。市場から出る。損を確定し、次の機会を待つ。

23.  正当な理由が無い限り、ポジションを変えない。取引をする時は一定のルールに従って、正当な理由で取引をする。その後はトレンドが変わる明確な兆候が無い限り、出ない。

24.  長い期間での取引で儲けた時は、トレードを避ける。規律ある計画的な取引プログラムを維持する必要がある。

25.  天井や底を推測しようとしない。本当に天井か底かは市場が見せてくれる。

26.  盲目な人のアドバイスに従わない。

27.  最初の損失後は取引を減らす。決して増やさない。

28.  間違って入って間違って出てはいけないし、正しく入って間違って出てはいけない。これは二重の間違いである。


Gann's Valuable 28 Rules

 1. Never risk more than one-tenth of your capital on any single trade.

 2. Always place stop-loss orders.

 3. Do not duplicate trades. If you have multiple trades open, do not violate the rules of the first trade.

 4. Never let a profit turn into a loss. Use stop-loss orders to protect your profits.

 5. Do not trade if you are unsure of the trend. Never trade against the trend.

 6. When in doubt, get out. Do not enter the market if you are unsure.

 7. Trade only in active markets.

 8. Evenly distribute your risk across different markets.

 9. Use market orders instead of limit orders.(?)

10. Do not close a trade without a valid reason.

11. Set aside surplus profits in a separate account.

12. Avoid scalping trades with small profits.

13. Do not average losses; avoid adding to losing positions.

14. Do not exit the market impulsively or enter out of impatience.

15. Avoid small profits and large losses.

16. Never cancel a stop-loss order once it is placed.

17. Avoid frequent market entries and exits.

18. Be willing to profit from both long and short positions.

19. Do not trade based on price alone, whether it seems low or high.

20. Be cautious of pyramiding at the wrong time. Pyramiding should only be done after breaking resistance or support levels.

21. Pyramiding can be beneficial at the right time. Choose instruments with a strong uptrend for buying and a clear downtrend for selling.

22. Do not hedge losing positions. If you are long on an asset and it starts to fall, do not short another asset to hedge. Exit the market, take the loss, and wait for the next opportunity.

23. Do not change your position without a valid reason. Trade according to your set rules and stay out unless there are clear signs of a trend reversal.

24. Avoid trading after making profits on a long-term trade. Maintain a disciplined and planned trading program.

25. Do not try to predict tops or bottoms. The market will show you when they occur.

26. Do not follow advice from blind sources.

27. Reduce your trading size after the first loss. Never increase it.

28. Do not enter or exit the market incorrectly. Enter correctly and exit correctly to avoid a double mistake.



Speculation A Profitable Profession (1910)

Truth of The Stock Tape (1923)

Tunnel Thru The Air (1927)

Wall Street Stock Selector (1930)

New Stock Trend Detector (1936)

Face Facts America (1940)

How to Make Profits in Commodities (1941)

How to Make Profits Trading In Put And Call (1941)

45 Years in Wall Street (1949)

The Magic Word (1950)

WD Gann Economic Forecaster (1954)


See also

Financial astrology

Gann angles



Droke, Clif (2001). Gann Simplified. Columbia, MD: Marketplace Books. ISBN 978-1931611244.

McLaren, William. (1986). Gann made easy : how to trade using the methods of W.D. Gann. Foreman, Matthew J. Corpus Christi, Tex.: Gann Theory Pub. ISBN 0-9618018-0-8. OCLC 20583500.

Gann, William Delbert (1941). How to Make Profits Trading in Commodities: a Study of the Commodity Market. Pomeroy, WA: Lambert-Gann.

Jacobs, Larry (2001). Gann's Master Charts Unveiled. Springfield, MO: Halliker's. ISBN 9781494712181.

Futia, Carl A. (1982). Predicting Market Trends with Periodic Number Cycles. Morris Plains, NJ: The Cyclic Forecast.

Lim, Mark Andrew (22 September 2015). A handbook of technical analysis : the practitioner's comprehensive guide to technical analysis. Hoboken. ISBN 978-1-118-49892-7. OCLC 898156030.

Cooper, Jeff. (2006). Unlocking the profits of the new swing chart method. [Place of publication not identified]: Marketplace Books. ISBN 1-59280-291-5. OCLC 946856497.

Mikula, Patrick (2012). The Definitive Guide to Forecasting Using W. D. Gann's Square of Nine (Revised ed.). Austin, TX: Mikula Forecasting Company. ISBN 978-0965051866.

Ferrera, Daniel T. (2001). The Gann Pyramid: Square of Nine Essentials. Santa Barbara, CA: Scared Science Institute.

Ferrera, Daniel T. (2006). Gann for the active trader : new methods for today's markets. Greenville, SC: Traders Press. ISBN 0-934380-44-9. OCLC 243743248.

Reddy, Hima (2012). The Trading Methodologies of W.D. Gann: A Guide to Building Your Technical Analysis Toolbox (1st ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: FT Press. ISBN 978-0132734387.

Awodele (2013). W.D. Gann: Divination By Mathematics. Union, KY: BEKH. ISBN 978-0615833439.

Awodele (2013). W.D. Gann: Divination By Mathematics: Harmonic Analysis. Union, KY: BEKH. ISBN 978-0615882079.

Krausz, Robert (2005). W. D. Gann Treasure Discovered: Simple Trading Plans for Stocks & Commodities (2nd ed.). Columbia, MD: Marketplace Books. ISBN 978-1592802272.

Brown, Constance M. (2008). Fibonacci Analysis. New York, NY: Bloomberg Press. ISBN 978-1576602614.

Elder, Alexander (1993). Trading for a Living: Psychology, Trading Tactics, Money Management. Hoboken: NJ: Wiley. ISBN 978-0471592242.

Williams, Larry R. (2003). The Right Stock at the Right Time: Prospering in the Coming Good Years. Hoboken: NJ: Wiley. ISBN 978-0471430513.

Gann, William Delbert (2015). Collected Writings of W.D. Gann. Vol. 1. Cosmological Economics. ISBN 978-1942418054.

Gann, William Delbert (2015). Collected Writings of W.D. Gann. Vol. 2. Cosmological Economics. ISBN 978-1942418061.

Gann, William Delbert (2015). Collected Writings of W.D. Gann. Vol. 3. Cosmological Economics. ISBN 978-1942418078.

Gann, William Delbert (2015). Collected Writings of W.D. Gann. Vol. 4. Cosmological Economics. ISBN 978-1942418085.

Gann, William Delbert (2015). Collected Writings of W.D. Gann. Vol. 5. Cosmological Economics. ISBN 978-1942418054.

Gann, William Delbert (2015). Collected Writings of W.D. Gann. Vol. 6. Cosmological Economics. ISBN 978-1942418108.

Hyerczyk, James A. (2009). Pattern, Price and Time: Using Gann Theory in Technical Analysis (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 978-0470432020.

Novak-Reich, Pauline (21 Oct 2013). "Unlocking W.D. Gann's 'The Tunnel Thru the Air'". Futures. Retrieved 14 Feb 2018.

Plummer, Tony (2013). The Law of Vibration: The revelation of William D. Gann. Petersfield, Hampshire, England: Harriman House. ISBN 978-0857192592.

Gann, William Delbert (1927). The Tunnel Thru the Air; Or, Looking Back from 1940. New York: NY: Lambert-Gann.

Bucholtz, Malcolm G. (2013). The Bull, The Bear and The Planets: Trading the Financial Markets Using Astrology. Bloomington, IN: iUniverse. ISBN 978-1475980028.

Brown, Constance (2007). Breakthroughs in Technical Analysis. Chapter 5, Price and Time: Bloomberg. ISBN 9781576602423.

Ferrera, Daniel T. (2001). Mysteries of Gann Analysis Unveiled!. Santa Barbara: CA: Sacred Science Institute.

Bucholtz, Malcolm G. (2014). Stock Market Forecasting: The McWhirter Method De-Mystified. Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada: Wood Dragon Books. ISBN 978-0968537091.

Mikula, Patrick (2012). Gann's Scientific Methods Unveiled. Vol. I. Mikula Forecasting Company. ISBN 978-0965051880.

Mikula, Patrick (2012). Gann's Scientific Methods Unveiled. Vol. II (Revised ed.). ISBN 978-0965051873.

Gann, William Delbert (19 Mar 1954). "May Coffee Santos D" (PDF). Retrieved 14 Feb 2018.

"W.D. Gann Fraud or Trading Genius Part 2". Money Stocks Tycoons. Retrieved 13 Feb 2018.


External links











https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mjkOjppq8M https://youtu.be/XQ9FDnF25f4 https://youtu.be/XQ9FDnF25f4











